Dedicated Consultancy to S.M.E.

Opaconsult e.u.r.l.
7, rue Francisque Sarcey
F-92000 Nanterre

RCS : 534 957 329 Nanterre
VAT : FR15 534 957 329

Version 10.2011

Customer area




This "Customer Area" is reserved to every ©Opaconsult customer who has received after signing a consultancy contract:

• a unique Username and
• Password.
(There's only one set of Username and Password for every customer account)


These allow access to the following functionalities:

• you can load files ("upload") useful to ©Opaconsult in order to fulfill its mission,

• you can save files ("download") that ©Opaconsult provides to its customers within its mission (eg, tender, contract, interim reports, final report, ...)

Please login with the Username and Password that you have received when signing the consultancy contract:

* Username (ID) Mandatory field.minimum 7 characters.  
* Password Mandatory field.minimum 7 characters.  
* mandatory fields



File(s) transfer. ("upload")
(To transfer several files, repeat as many times as necessary. Please note that the maximum size of each file is limited to 10MB.)
Transfer your files toward the ©Opaconsult Web site  

List of uploaded files Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql51-39.bdb' (2)