Dedicated Consultancy to S.M.E.
Opaconsult e.u.r.l.
7, rue Francisque Sarcey
F-92000 Nanterre
RCS : 534 957 329 Nanterre
VAT : FRxx xxx xxx xxx
Version 10.2011
Contact us
Biography (or click on the picture)
Opaconsult e.u.r.l. au capital de 3 000 EUR
7, rue Francisque Sarcey
F-92000 Nanterre
tel.: +33 1 47 25 99 20
facsimile: +33 1 47 25 99 20
GSM: +33 6 20 86 60 05
RCS 534 957 329 Nanterre
VAT FR15 534 957 329
If you are interested in the possibilities offered by using our services and if you want to submit your problem, you can contact us directly (telephone call or e-mail) or via the form hereunder.
We shall reply within 48 hours and if you want too, you can tell us when we may contact you (days and times) for an initial interview in order to answer you with more details.
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