Dedicated Consultancy to S.M.E.

Opaconsult e.u.r.l.
7, rue Francisque Sarcey
F-92000 Nanterre

RCS : 534 957 329 Nanterre
VAT : FR15 534 957 329

Version 10.2011

This page shows the different phases of a typical ©Opaconsult consulting assignment. To the bottom

The objective of ©Opaconsult in his approach is to provide you a service with no surprises as for the objectives, completion times and costs.

Any mission of ©Opaconsult is thus subject to a specific quotation which is joined to the detailed mission proposal. The price is fixed.

Our missions follow the main steps:

  1. a meeting between you and the ©Opaconsult consultant (forecast 1 à 2 hours) where the objectives will be set up and agreed as well as a tentative agenda,

  2. followed by the sending of the written ©Opaconsult proposal including: (see beside the Sales Terms & Conditions as well as a Quotation example)

    • summary of the keys issues as discussed with you,
    • the synthesis of the objectives,
    • methodologies that will be implemented as well as:

      • the number of days on your site with a provisional timetable,
      • the number of interviews with key employees, if needed and agreed, with a provisional timetable too,
      • the nature of information which we would like to work with,

    • the fixed lump sum benefit, plus eventually additional costs: as the travel expenses, the cost of purchasing specific documents, …
    • deadlines for submission:

      • interim reports (especially in the case of a long mission over an extended period of time),
      • the final report and other deliverables (CD, presentations, training booklets, ...) as appropriate,

  3. then the signature of the contract of consulting services covering all elements of the mission after a possible adjustment of objectives, methodologies and timelines.

    The contract signing comes along with:

    • payment of 50% of the total amount of the service (with the issue of an invoice),
    • a Login and a Password are given in order to access to the Client Area of the ©Opaconsult Web site where digital files (Excel ©, Word © Acrobat ©, ...) can be shared to facilitate and to accelerate the data transmission.

  4. whereupon the completion of the mission itself starts:

    • data collection on site and from third-party sources, …
    • interviews with employees if they are planned in the mission,
    • possible drafting of interim reports, interim recommendations to be discussed with the management,
    • if circumstances require, after discussion and agreement of the management, the mission may be amended and/or redirected, (set up in a contract addendum)

  5. submission of final report and other deliverables, along with a second invoice representing 40% of the total amount of the contract,
  6. The recommendations contained in the final report are systematically presented after an analysis of « S.W.O.T. » type:

    • Strengths,
    • Weaknesses,
    • Opportunities,
    • Threats,

    of the company.

  7. a meeting (here also provide 1-2 hours) to present the conclusions and the recommendations will take place within ten days after submission of final report. The main objectives are as follows:

    • explanation of the findings and the recommendations,
    • discussions and proposals for possible actions needed (staff training, intermi management, …),
    • delivery of the last invoice representing the balance of the contract (10%).
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